Haii, kembali lagi di blog saya, pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan pengertian tentang apa itu CV / Resume, dan seperti biasa saya akan menerangkannya menggunakan bahasa inggris. Dan inilah pembahasan saya.
Definition :
A curriculum vitae, often abbreviated as CV, is a document that job applicants use to showcase their academic and professional accomplishments. It is used to apply for positions within areas where a person’s specific knowledge or expertise is required. A curriculum vitae is usually longer than a resume and must include the information that the recruiter needs to verify the skills, experience, and educational qualifications of an applicant.
Function / Purpose :
Essentially, a CV is designed to summarise all your academic, professional and personal (where relevant) achievements in order to entice or interest a hiring manager when applying for a new job opportunity.
Expression / Sentences :
1. Determine the type of resume.
2. Select a section.
3. Assess the job description.
4. Choose your skills.
5. Lead with action.
6. Keep it concise.
Resume Points
1. Personal Information
2. Background education
3. Workshop/ seminar
4. Working experience
5. Personal skills
6. Personal summary
Sample :
Writting :