Selasa, 21 Februari 2023

CV / Resume

 Haii, kembali lagi di blog saya, pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan pengertian tentang apa itu CV / Resume, dan seperti biasa saya akan menerangkannya menggunakan bahasa inggris. Dan inilah pembahasan saya.

Definition :

A curriculum vitae, often abbreviated as CV, is a document that job applicants use to showcase their academic and professional accomplishments. It is used to apply for positions within areas where a person’s specific knowledge or expertise is required. A curriculum vitae is usually longer than a resume and must include the information that the recruiter needs to verify the skills, experience, and educational qualifications of an applicant.

Function / Purpose :

Essentially, a CV is designed to summarise all your academic, professional and personal (where relevant) achievements in order to entice or interest a hiring manager when applying for a new job opportunity.

Expression / Sentences :

1. Determine the type of resume.

2. Select a section.

3. Assess the job description.

4. Choose your skills.

5. Lead with action.

6. Keep it concise.

Resume Points

1. Personal Information

2. Background education

3. Workshop/ seminar

4. Working experience

5. Personal skills

6. Personal summary

Sample :

Writting :


Application Letter

 Haii, Kembali lagi di blog saya, dan dikesempatan ini saya akan membahas tentang Application Letter. Dan sama seperti sebelumnya saya akan membahasnya menggunakan bahasa inggris. Inilah pembahasan saya

Definition :

An application letter or job application letter is a document sent to company leaders or recruiters to apply for a job. This letter contains specific interests, qualifications and experiences that are considered relevant to fill the available job vacancies. This job application letter should highlight your accomplishments and skills to catch the attention of recruiters or HR. 

Function/ Purpose :

When written well, this cover letter will explain to the reader why they should invite you for an interview and judge you as a good fit for the job vacancy available.

Layout/ Text Structure :


Expression :

Opening :

Dear Sir / Madam,

Dear Sir / Madam,


I read your advertisement for an experienced…in the…issue of…with great interest.

I read your advertisement for an experienced…in the…issue of…with great interest.


Reasoning :

I am particularly interested in this job, as…

I am particularly interested in this job, as…


Whilst working at… I became highly competent in… 

Whilst working at… I became highly competent in…


Skills : 

I have a working knowledge of…

I have a working knowledge of…


I am an experienced user of…

I am an experienced user of…


Closing : 

I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me.

I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited to this position. Please contact me via…

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited to this position. Please contact me via…

Job Advertisement :

Writting Application Letter :




Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

Pengalamanku Saat Prakerin di ESIS INDEPENDEN


Nama : Andhika Bagus A
Kelas : XII TAV1

Selamat datang di blog saya, jadi di blog kali ini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman saya ketika magang di tempat yang bernama ESIS INDEPENDEN di daerah Klipang, di Kota Semarang. Dan disini saya akan bercerita menggunakan bahasa inggris, dan inilah crita saya.


     I first did my internship on January 3 2022 at an electronic service place called Esis Independent in the Klipang area with 1 male friend and 2 female friends. We went there in the morning and arrived at the internship at 9 am. When there the four of us were asked to introduce ourselves and get to know the employees and also the leadership.

     After the introduction, my male friend and I were asked to make observations on the repair of a 1-door refrigerator. It was a little difficult for both of us to understand because it was the first time for both of us to make these observations. And after several hours of observing and understanding these improvements we were invited to take a break, at half past 12 to be precise. We were given time off until 1pm. After the break we returned to continue the observation.

      The four of us were allowed to go home at 4 pm. Before going home we prayed together first with the employees and also the leadership so that everyone arrived safely at their destination and could come back the next day.

       On the second day, the four of us are expected to be able to follow more about the material and learning given to employees. And on the same day for men can immediately follow the performance of employees working in the field. One example is installing or servicing an air conditioner.

     On the third day, our duties were different again, namely we were both assigned to deliver service items or complaints from customers to our service center or vice versa. On the first day we did it, we were assisted by one of the employees to guide where to go and how to convey any improvements made to the customer. After we were both proficient enough and understood enough of all the assignments given, we were given different assignments every day.

     On the fourth day, we were given a different task, which was to try to clean and repair the body of the 1-door refrigerator. We were little by little trying to clean and repair the damaged part. And the task given was finished when the afternoon came, and after we finished it we were welcome to go home and rest.

6 months passed, after a long internship the four of us gained a lot of experience and knowledge in the field of work, responsibility and honesty are 2 very important things when entering the world of work. And that's a little of my experience during my internship at the electronics service place. That's all from me, thank you. 

Sekian dari saya, jika ata penggunaan kata atau salah kata bisa berkomentar, terimakasi.

CV / Resume

 Haii, kembali lagi di blog saya, pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan pengertian tentang apa itu CV / Resume, dan seperti biasa saya ak...